
What is The 1440 Power System 

The 1440 Power System is the connector to 1440TIME™. It breaks down the 1,440 minutes we have in a day into three defined zones of our daily life cycle. Now, by conditioning and repetition, in just a short time, providence takes over! Life becomes clearer and simpler. Your destiny is now in your hands, and the sky's the limit!!! 

SleepLivelihoodOn-Time as shown below.

The Connector

The Minutes, not the hours, bring The 1440 Power System to life!

1. Sleep is for resting and repairing the mind and body. 

2. Live-li-hood  
This means securing the necessities of life, one's existence, especially financially.   
It is how you support yourself and your family.

When you play, play hard. When you work, don't play at all. 
Theodore Roosevelt

3. ON-TIME is the Difference Maker. Why is that? Because it is the only time zone of the day that you own! Sleep is for sleeping, and work time is not your time! It is the company's time! If you are self-employed or your livelihood is your company, and it is what you love to do, you have combined two zones into one! A very powerful combination and a key to success, happiness, and wealth! 

1440 Power System

1440 Power System Calculator

On-Time Activities:

Use the Time Tracker above to get a feel of what the day looks like and how many minutes you still have to spend in On-Time!


Look at 1440TIMEabove. Those are the minutes you have left today and the percentage of time you still have left to spend. What zone are you in? Whatever zone it is, simply own it and enjoy the 1440Experience!