It’s the minutes not the hours that make the difference! Blurb from Chapter 10 of " The Time Factor" book.

It is funny when I talk about the minute clock or the 1440 Power System® to someone just about any time of the day or evening. Most people pause and have a peculiar look on their face, or they agree, but I know it doesn’t permeate their mind throughly, however, when I take them to the morning hours, whether it’s getting the kids on the bus, or just to what their morning is like before they go to work, they suddenly know what I mean.  It is the minutes not the hours that count in the morning.   
The word "time" is one the most common nouns in the English language, according to the Oxford dictionary. Time, as defined in Physics is a quantity measuring duration but for you, time is merely the 1,440 minutes you have each day.  That’s it! Forget about anything else you know about time. Think in minutes—think every day 1,440, or fourteen hundred and forty, and you will see how this simple process of thinking in minutes will be the foundation for everything and anything you want to do in your life! Plus as a bonus, TIME SLOWS TO TURTLE SPEED!!! 

The first step into the 1440 Power System is to simply subtract out your sleep minutes—leaving you with waking minutes to live, laugh, love, learn, exercise, play, relax and yes work (i.e., 7 hours of sleep = 420 minutes leaving you 1,020 waking minutes).  Once this simple concept sinks in—time becomes much like how you think about money—an intrinsic value has now been added to it. Who you spend it with, how you spend it, and what you spend it on,whether the people in your life—the TV, or movies you watch —the books—magazines you read, or the time you spend for learning on the internet vs. the time spent socially and for cosmetic use
Time now takes on the value of money—be careful of what and who you spend it on—you only have so much in a day and in your life. And most important, this thinking keeps you present (today now), not in the past (yesterday), or even the future (tomorrow)—knowing your minutes ultimately create your future
So if you want to change your future, you only have to change how you use your daily minutes, or the song remains the same.

Below you will see the seconds, minutes and how many minutes are left this date in time...

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

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