Think different!!! 

You don't know how to access time because you think  time is a clock...!


This is real, so just go through it for a minute...

Count to 20 while watching the Nano (one-billionth of a second) You'll need good internet speed.
Super-fast and can barely make out any numbers! 

1440TIME Declining Minute Clock

                                 Proactive                                               Reactive
The digital numbers inside the 1440Clock™ are how many minutes left to this date in time. The inside numbers are the 12/12 repeat standard clock time like a clock to the right. The standard mechanical clock still used today doesn’t fit the speed of velocity for today’s technological world! It doesn’t comply with our real needs: the needs of us, the doers, the mover and shakers, the ones looking to break out, or who have already broken out but want even more in this incredible time on this planet!  The standard mechanical clock has most programmed to feel and respond to numbers on a circular sphere twice a day. By using a countdown of the minutes you have left in your day this activates what I call "time awareness" and most of all it delivers that small dose of "sense of urgency".

It’s great fuel when you need a spark to activate that motivation already in us.  This cannot be achieved by simply looking at the standard clock.

The countdown method using minutes left in the day is similar to timers used by highly productive people to get things done at home or business. I use the TimeTimer® in my tax business and many times year round for all sorts of things that must get done as quick as possible.
Time Timer PLUS: Family Life-Changer, Guaranteed. from Time Timer on Vimeo.
TimeTimer website

Timers, in the face of 21st-century technological marvels, can appear as antiquated as steam engines and telegraphs. The simple timer, however, is one of the most useful productivity tools around. 

lifehacker Countdown Timers increase Productivity

Page 14 1440Time

When you see 1440Time at 640 it takes on a different mindset then the traditional standard clock-time 1:20 pm on say it was Saturday doesn't it? One is Groundhog Day, just another Saturday on another weekend, in another month, in another year for many.

Tony Robbins

1440Time is the missing link for those who are ready to breakout or for those who have broken out already, but want to go for even more!!!

In a nutshell, 1440Time reveals, expands and slows down the time you have in a day while creating a slight dose of “motivation” using the patent declining minute mindset to generate the leverage you need to you follow through. Time becomes organized and available. And what this really means if you have goals...if you really want more in your life, 1440Time gives you the time to make it all happen!! 

Let's see how 1440Time works real-time.

1440Time works by using the declining minutes you have left in the day, rather than the traditional mechanical or manual 12-hour standard clock moving throughout the day twice over, which encourages individuals to view time in a more robotic or programmed way!

New 1440 Band Time Watches





It’s the minutes not the hours that make the difference! Blurb from Chapter 10 of " The Time Factor" book.

It is funny when I talk about the minute clock or the 1440 Power System® to someone just about any time of the day or evening. Most people pause and have a peculiar look on their face, or they agree, but I know it doesn’t permeate their mind throughly, however, when I take them to the morning hours, whether it’s getting the kids on the bus, or just to what their morning is like before they go to work, they suddenly know what I mean.  It is the minutes not the hours that count in the morning.   
The word "time" is one the most common nouns in the English language, according to the Oxford dictionary. Time, as defined in Physics is a quantity measuring duration but for you, time is merely the 1,440 minutes you have each day.  That’s it! Forget about anything else you know about time. Think in minutes—think every day 1,440, or fourteen hundred and forty, and you will see how this simple process of thinking in minutes will be the foundation for everything and anything you want to do in your life! Plus as a bonus, TIME SLOWS TO TURTLE SPEED!!! 

The first step into the 1440 Power System is to simply subtract out your sleep minutes—leaving you with waking minutes to live, laugh, love, learn, exercise, play, relax and yes work (i.e., 7 hours of sleep = 420 minutes leaving you 1,020 waking minutes).  Once this simple concept sinks in—time becomes much like how you think about money—an intrinsic value has now been added to it. Who you spend it with, how you spend it, and what you spend it on,whether the people in your life—the TV, or movies you watch —the books—magazines you read, or the time you spend for learning on the internet vs. the time spent socially and for cosmetic use
Time now takes on the value of money—be careful of what and who you spend it on—you only have so much in a day and in your life. And most important, this thinking keeps you present (today now), not in the past (yesterday), or even the future (tomorrow)—knowing your minutes ultimately create your future
So if you want to change your future, you only have to change how you use your daily minutes, or the song remains the same.

Below you will see the seconds, minutes and how many minutes are left this date in time...

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Time... inside the Matrix

Morpheus: What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. This is the world that you know. The world as it was at the end of the twenty first century. 

It's time to load the program. We can load anything you want, from weapons, books, apps, language programs, physical fitness training equipment, and TIME...lots of it!!! 

I know you're out there 
I can feel you now
I know that your afraid
Your afraid of us
Your afraid of change
I don't know the future
I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end
I came here to tell you how this is going to begin
I'm going to hang up this phone
And then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see
I'm going to show them a world without you
A world without the standard clock time
A world where anything is possible 
A world where time has value and meaning

Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you

"If I could have explain it to the average person, I wouldn't have been worth the Nobel Prize"Richard Feynman


If you haven't seen the move In Time with Justin Timberlake, get on Netflix or whatever
and watch it ASAP..


Here he has just one hundred fourteen minutes and nine seconds left before he timesout... (dies)

Even though the movie is fiction and didn't get great reviews...that would be expected, since most people are oblivious to the tangible concept of time...
Here Justin Timberlake (Will Salas) is down to 22 seconds before he would timeout. In this scene he is playing cards and bluffs his way to win one thousand one hundred years below!!!!



As you can see 1440Time works the same away...except you aren't going to timeout!


Justin the truth is we need a revolutionary new approach to clock time, a new way measure and experience time for the 21st century, and one that enhances our passion and zest for the one life-time we get. I found it. 1440Time is for those who are already active, already living life to the fullest; it knows that you are a mover and shaker; it understands you value your time and crave even more! 

Justin you were in this movie and you more than anyone will get what I created. I am asking you, if think this is an awesome concept like I do, then get back to me. I would love to work with you on this. We can literally bring In Time the movie to In Time the reality... 1440Time!

Time is our entrance into the Great Game of Life, if it came in the form of a ticket, we’d get two. One life-time ticket into the great game and for 1440 minutes each day to play in the game!


                        Life-Clock                                                                                   1440Time 

Bertrand's Life Clock is a slowed-down clock which runs 61,320 times slower than normal: 1 minute on the clock takes a year for the hands to cross.


The autopilot time-clock of today's world

1440Time is the new paradigm for those who get it... 
It counts down the minutes you have left in the day starting from 1440.
All clocks are in sync and in real time. The numbers indicate the early progression of how 1440TIME™ looked as it evolved.


5 6


                                The programmed centuries ago clock                                             Right Now Time

1440TIME™ is a simple but an extraordinary way to experience real clock-time in 2017 and beyond. It could also be called the WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW CLOCK.... and the WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH YOUR MINUTES LEFT TODAY CLOCK!!?

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" —Steve Jobs

1440TIME Website

All clocks made by flashclocks Thank you Marco

1440TIME™ Watches


The Two Clocks of Life

 Minutes left in this day in time....

Bertrand Planes
The Life Clock

Bertrand's Life Clock runs 61,320 times slower than normal.

The hour hand performs a dial revolution not in 12 hours but in 84 years. 
He is using 84 years as the life expectancy, the birth of women born in the year of his creation of his work. 
Bertrand's Life Clock brings time from the intangible to the tangible. 

Bertrand Planes Life

Measured minutes left in 2017 below!
Plenty of time, huh!? 

Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live...Before they know it...time runs out. 
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Slowing down Time

Here’s a simple but powerful exercise to help bring you out of the Clock Matrix!

It will take less than one minute...

Watch the below concentrate for just twenty seconds, as time moves into hyper-speed and your brain calibrates to it.

Your is brain now is getting use to this speed (the nanosecond). Much like how speed reading exercises are used to increase the amount words you can read by the minute, or if at the batting cage and want to be able to hit the fast pitch, you would go into the super fast pitch cage adjust to that speed, then go back into the fast pitch cage, and the ball would seem slower, enabling you to hit the ball.

Now scroll down removing the nano seconds from your sight and watch, as you will see, the milliseconds are slower!!! You're able to see the numbers moving much clearer now!!

Perfect, time is now slowing...And we are living the world of hyper-speed...concentrate and follow along below, wait until the seconds come around to zero to begin.

Take a deep breath in and hold it for thirty seconds, as you watch and count every second down
. While you count and time passes, focus on each second, and pay attention to the passage of time. This will help activate your Time Awareness System™. Holding your breath forces you to be present. 

And finally sit, wait and watch one full minute go by. It maybe hard to do, as time has now slowed down to turtle time...
No this is a not a trick, but what happens to time when you are present, it slows............. 
All done... 

This example on how to slow down time is a technique to be used to get present at anytime you want, and over time with practice, your (TAS) will be activated for all 1020-1080 waken minutes you have everyday unconsciously. 

Whether you're playing any sport, or have any task that requires your full attention in the now, this technique will surely help you deepen the concentration.

Practice this often, for any time you need to slow down the clock, or you need to bring your TAS back to the present.

And remember, you still have all this time below left on this one great day to live, laugh, think, play, relax, do some chores, and even maybe 10 minutes to walk around the block.
"Time", who has more than you!!!

Slowing down Time

Here’s a simple but powerful exercise to help bring you out of the Clock Matrix!

It will take less then one minute...

Watch the below concentrate for just twenty seconds, as time moves into hyper-speed and your brain calibrates to it.

Your is brain now is getting use to this speed (the nanosecond). Much like how speed reading exercises are used to increase the amount words you can read by the minute, or if at batting cage and want to be able to hit the fast pitch, you would go into the super fast pitch cage adjust to that speed, then go back into the fast pitch cage, and the ball would seem slower, enabling you to hit the ball.

Now scroll down removing the nanoseconds from your sight and watch, as you will see, the milliseconds are slower!!! You're able to see the numbers moving much clearer now!!

Perfect, time is now slowing... now continue to concentrate and follow along below, wait until the seconds come around to zero to begin.

Take a deep breath in and hold it for one minute, as you watch and count every second up
. Note how long a second really is.  While you count and time passes, focus on each second, feel and pay attention to the passage of time as your Time Awareness system is being activated. The minute now seems forever, doesn't it? Holding your breath forces you to be aware in this moment, recognizing all what is going on in your mind. When your minute is up exhale and take a deep breadth in, breath out and just become still.

And finally sit, wait and watch one full minute go by. It maybe hard to do, as time has now slowed down to turtle time...

No this is a not a trick, this is what happens with time when you become present, it slows.............The more present the slower time passes.

All done... 

This example on how to slow down time is a technique to be used to get present anytime you want, and over time with practice, your (TAS) will be activated for all 1020-1080 waking minutes you have everyday unconsciously. 

Whether your playing any sport, or have any task that requires your full attention in the now, this technique will surely help you deepen the concentration.

Practice this often, for any time you need to slow down the clock, or you need to bring your TAS back to the present.

And remember, you still have all this time below left on this one great day to live, laugh, think, play, relax, do some chores, and even maybe 10 minutes to walk around the block.
"Time", who has more than you!!!

The Clock Matrix

The 1440 Power System™ focuses on removing the barriers of the clock matrix nearly everyone is subject to. The first barrier is standard clock-time, in particular the hour folly. 1440Time focuses on the minutes you have left in a day and not the current 12/12 spell put into place thousands of years ago, based on 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness. We still think ancient hour based in the minute world of today, also, up until the late 1800’s when electricity came into play, most humans shut down as darkness set in. I believe most people still unconsciously shutdown when the sun shuts down today in 2014, even though we have light and the internet to do so much in the dark hours. Think about the late fall and the winter months for a moment, as darkness sets in at 7:00pm, 6:00pm and then 5:00pm in New York. The days seem shorter and we shift into consumer of time mode earlier. By Seven or eight o’clock, the TV and couch becomes the regular pattern for most. The exact opposite happens in the spring and summer, when the sun is up until nine o’clock pm, when people do and exert more energy.

The game has changed with the access of light 24 hoursand the internet for instant knowledge, information and know-how. They have transformed the landscape for what is possible to do, learn and accomplish in one full day in 2014. Modern times need a new modern time model that accurately represents the technological age we are currently in. We don’t need hours to get smarter, healthier, and to make more money, we just need minutes…everyday, including the weekends, paired with technology and the internet for exponential potential growth. 

1440TIME™ First Prototype

This was the first 1440TIME™ clock that was made. You can see the 12/12 duplication format inside the 1440TIME™ clock. The 12/12 format was implemented thousands of years ago based on twelve hours of sunlight and twelve hours of darkness.  

Sure it made sense then, after all it was 5-6,000 years ago! But here we are today, in a world that couldn't even be imagined back then, let alone just twenty years ago for most. The computer and the internet has change everything!!!!! 

So why hasn't the way we process  time changed in lock step with the advancement of technology!?

Modern times need a modern time...

Be not astonished at new ideas; for it is well known to you that a thing does not therefore cease to be true because it is not accepted by many. —Baruch Spinoza