Slowing Down the Clock of your Mind

How to slow down the clock in your mind, by clearing the mechanism.

Speed exercise to increase the processing ability of the brain.

One of the methods taught in speed reading is showing  paragraphs pass by your computer screen at tremendous rates, 10,000 words a minute, down to 5,000, 2,500, 1000, 750 by the time you get to 500 words a minute it seems really slow, and 300 words a minute is like watching paint dry. With practice, speed reading can be done by anyone. The average person reads about 200-250 words a minute, with just one week, or less of practice you can increase your reading speed by 100-300 percent with ease.

Let's look at another example using the batting range. You step into a super-fast pitch cage (100mph); the ball looks like a blur, after seeing ten pitchers whiz by, you move to the fast (90mph), or medium pitch (80). The ball now appears much slower coming at you, enabling you to see it clear and hitting it sharply, and if you went into the slow pitch (70mph) it would be like hitting a beach ball.

There are four speeds of time in descending order; the hour, minute, second, millisecond that we utilize in our clock world today.  The hour is the mainstream default time used, and the one I am challenging is out of sync for the 21st century for the Information and Communication age, in affect it's like using 56k modem speed, dial-up to surf the web today, with a computer from 1999. Why would we do that? Well, if we didn't know that FIOS, cable or 3G wi-fi existed then dial-up and that old computer is just fine.

What if we could do the same thing with time itself, hmm... why not? It works for me already, and you can try it for yourself below.

There are 1000 millisecond's in a second, the same time used in the Olympics and in basketball games, what I have done using digital flash clocks is set up four speeds of time using milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours for demonstration and practice drills below. First though you have to "clear the mechanism."

Clearing the mechanism is about letting go of everything that is taking up parking space in your mind at the moment. The stuff that stops you from being more, robbing you of completing goals, clarity, discipline, energy, and purpose. When you ‘clear the mechanism’ like a racing horse that wears blinkers, it enables the horse to concentrate, run properly and not  get distracted by the noise of the crowd, or other horses running next to them. The blinkers help keep the horse moving forward to the finish line.

Watch this short You Tube clip from the movie "For the Love of The Game", with Kevin Costner.

Being able to "Clear the Mechanism" of your mind allows you to see clear. You know what you need to do and you how to do it.

Lets begin on slowing down the clock in your mind.

Step 1.  Milliseconds

Clear your mind now and concentrate on the milliseconds (100mph) passing by the screen from 999-000 for next twenty seconds...

Your mind is clear—your focus powerful—and your concentrating perfectly. 

Let's move on to step 2. to the slower Seconds (90mph) and see how your brains manages this speed.

Step 2.   Seconds

Your mind is clear and time has begun to slow. Concentrate now for twenty seconds on the ever slowing numbers counting up.The clock of your mind is now slowing down time even more. 

The once fast seconds have been slowed in your minds eye down to workable and manageable units of time.5,4,3,2,1.

Let's move to step 3. and continue the slow down of time process.

Step 3.   Minutes

Thinking in minutes is the real aim here today. The millisecond and second clocks are just exercises designed to force your brain beyond its current thinking for the 21st century, pushing the envelope ever further, allowing your brain to expand, much like pushing a muscle with more weight added to the bar. 
The EMT and the day-trader are two examples of jobs that require to live inside the minute clock daily, where life or money can be lost inside seconds. For most, just thinking inside the minute clock is the goal, and getting you off the hour clock state of mind of centuries past.

Look now at the minute flash clock below for sixty to ninety seconds, this will test your patience, but is part of the overall brain calibration process of bringing the your mind present—what I called turtle minutes. Concentrate on the slowness of the time passing by....Focus and stay in the here and now...

Your mind is now expanding, as human potential becomes self-evident and clear. Time is on your side, and what you can do with all of your slow minutes is only limited by the excuses you can imagine. Time is your ally, your best friend, not the enemy, or for the reason you can't. 

As the minutes have slowed in your minds eye, look at the flash clock below, these are how many minutes you have left in this day in time.

That's alot of TIME!!!!

Relax, and enjoy the 1000 minutes of waking time daily you have, and give up the fast paced Rabbit mentality of most today...

Ok, we are done with millseconds, seconds and minutes, now lets look at the hour clock. The hour below are based on the 24 hour system, the second best clock in our current time system today. Lets move to step four.

Step 4.  Hour

The hour is the basis of time that our current brain and mind still defaults too, for at least most of the day. In the morning before work, or the getting the kids off to school, we are all on the minute clock, right? Take a look at the hour flash clock below, and no, you don't have to look at it for sixty minutes, but do imagine you had to stay here and watch the full sixty minutes go by, that would be way to much time...

Hey clown still thinking by the hour huh...

So there you have it, you have rid yourself from the outdated chronometer from the ancient worlds, and have move to the fiber optic equivalent for time in the 21st century.


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